Sunday, April 1 (Easter)

Saturday was a normal one.  Sutton went with us on the shopping expeditions:  Bartell's, cleaners, Trader Joe's, Safeway, Met Market

I had slept in due to taking .75 of one of Melinda's trazadones.

55 minutes on bike, HR target 100, 820 calories.

Brown rice pasta with marinara sauce and broccoli for dinner.

I, Tonya.  Pretty good

Sunday got to coffee earlier, after the cat came up early cuz Owen released him from the basement

Owen played trumpet at 3 services, said it went well.

Sutton worked during the day.

Both boys home for dinner:  salmon and large asparagus.

25 minutes on bike, HR target 102, 420 calories, really worked up a sweat.  Also did a wee bit of yoga, and 6 yoga belly exercises.

No video.

Cleaners tomorrow.

Trying to slog through Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America.  Quite a slog, but still interesting.


Monday, April 2

Drove Melinda' a$

Back to the routine of (mostly) Jen at Ladro in the mornings.

Sunny day.  Would have been a good motorcycle day, but oh well.  It's parked at work, looking good.  Still figuring out how to do luggage (back bag or tank bag).

Pretty busy at work.  Ronette leaving soon, so she's handing me budget stuff.

Also prepping for presenting the idea of how to get ProPlus going more quickly.  Have slides queued up for a meeting tomorrow, hope to be ready to present at next Monday meeting with Jeff Teper and other VPs.

Confirmed I'll have Jay for the summer.  w00t!

Left work circa 4:30, got to Melinda's work at 4:59.

Stopped at B&E to get hamburgers.  Owen grilled 'em, overcooked.  with a good salad.

Villanova beat Michigan for NCAA basketball championship in San Antonio.

No drinking.  We're meeting a min bar of 3 nights/week.


Wednesday, April 4

Yesterday drove Melinda's a$.  Eventful day at work, with a meeting about changing priorities about ProPlus.

Today Connector'ed in and rode motorcycle home.

Pretty much normal work day.

Ronette about to go on parental leave for the summer, so that's a thing.

Losing Sherri, so will have to replace her, so that's a thing.

Looks like I won't go on Paris trip in June, but will be going to Austin and Minneapolis in a couple weeks.

Dani came for ice cream.

Melinda out with the ladies to Virginia Inn, so I worked.  Looks like if I did 3 hours of night work I could stay caught up.

No liquor, no video.


Thursday, April 5

Drove Melinda's a$.

Not a lot of meetings, got some stuff done.

New thing of doing stairs, down to P4, up to 5th floor.  Pretty winded when I get up there.  did it twice today.

Left @ 4 to get Melinda.

Cocktails tonight, after being 4 days sober.



Friday, April 6

Was waiting for Melinda, remembered late that she was working from home.  After shower, went downstairs and Susan came cuz they were going walking.

Motorcycled to work.  Trying to figure out using the back bag, getting on and off the motorcycle awkward.

Light meetings day.  Got a fair amount done.  Good meeting with John Skovron.

Motorcycled home.  Fun ride, took 405 to 90 to 99.  It might be comfortable enough on long rides.  TBD.

Mom depressed, problems with who sits at the table at dinner.  PT not going great.

Ordered pizza from Zeke's to try something different.  Not as good as Pagliacci.

Only Owen home, Sutton at work.  He of course got pineapple on his pizza.

2 Americans.


Saturday, April 7

Morning coffee, Sutton joined.

a kerfuffle with Melinda started in Met Market parking garage based on buying a new car.  She's carrying it on through the day.

60 minutes on bike, HR 100, 920 calories.  200.6 lb.  Also did a bit of yoga belly.

documentary club, first movie The Ataxia at Susan and Jim's.  Daphne, Axel, Nancy, Bill, Tom, Susan, and Jim.  Amy sick.  Movie quite good.  Salmon dinner, Graeter's ice cream, good brownies.  Good times.

Fight with Melinda ended (?)


Sunday, April 8

A wonderful morning.  Morning coffee, Sutton joined.

Bahrain F1.  Exciting.  Ferrari's Sebastien Vettel won, the Silver Arrow Mercedes guys second and third.

60 minutes on bike, HR target 99, 920 calories.  Also some ab ripper X.  Doing 20 reps (generally) on the first 6 or 7 things, trying to work up to full thing.

Lots of work.

Low carb ravioli and salad.  Melinda made her almond strawberry cake.  2 of them actually, one for Tren at work.

Stuart and Phil cooking up plan to drive U-Haul across country in July to bring stuff from the house.  Also say mom improving a bit, might make it back to Stonecrest.

Bill Hader in Barry.


Wednesday, April 11

Busy week, Ronette's last before parental leave

Haven't been on the motorcycle this week, driving Melinda's a$

Just busy, tired, not doing any joy reading.


Friday, April 13

Coffee with Melinda in the a.m., then she was off to Omak for a funeral.  Rode my motorcycle to work, first time with GoPro.

Things seem to be going well with work.  Lots of goodness on ProPlus stuff.

Today was Ronette's last day before parental leave.  I'm left doing budget.  Ugh.

Traveling to Austin and Minneapolis next week for M365 Analytics work.  Booked trip to Paris for June, Compass program, hope to arrange customer visits via Steph Krieger as well.  Possibly going to east coast in May.  so lots of travel.

Trump fired missiles on Syria tonight, had done same a year ago, about Assad using chemical weapons on his own people.

The boys make breakfast for dinner.  Sutton made pancakes, Owen made hash browns and bacon.  I was still full from lunch but ate all the large portions served to me.

No video, no alcohol


Sunday, April 22

A week on the road.  Monday flight to Austin TX (upgraded to first class!) to visit Dell.  Wednesday flight to Minneapolis to visit Land O'Lakes.

Austin hot, 80s.  Lots of homeless.  Bigger than I expected. 

Dell visit good.  Industrial park.  Amesh, Zach, Steve Farrell, me from Redmond.  Patrick Murray from FastTrack Charlotte. MCS guy Steve Sieverding, who lives the life of George Clooney of Up In The Air.  300 days/year on the road.  Stayed at the A Loft hotel.  The three Dell guys were good.  Dinner at fancy place called Carolines.

Hung for a while in the Austin airport waiting for our flight to Minn.  Live jazz.  Joke was that we wouldn't stop to see the flagship Whole Foods that Zach was excited about.

Land O'Lakes was amazing.  High tech, love and live MSFT.  Brian super smart and driven.  Lori and Jason Gillow joined us.  Brian showed mad skills on the digital whiteboard.  

Thursday after work we went to the sculpture park, saw the cherry+spoon and the blue rooster.  I then went back to the hotel - Hyatt Regency - to work out.  The hotel was full of high school girls for a volleyball tournament.  Did a bit of biking, then shot hoops.  My knee ended up killing me after.

Funny tech glitch was the Austin hotel internet went down (we each got two apology letters slipped under our door), and when we arrived at the Hyatt in Minneapolis, the front desk internet was down.  Weird.

Thursday night Steve Sieverding and I went to Butcher and the Boar.  Sat at the bar, had an awesome bartender (Mary) and awesome food (Sausages, the best of which had cheddar cheese and a smoky taste, potatoes pave, collard greens).  Moved down one stool for 3 drunk guy who bought us a beer, and Mary says she would have charged them regardless.

Friday morning got a tour of Land O'Lakes HQ.  All new space, digital displays all around, saw their labs and focus group spaces for tasting, hit their company store.

Flight home to seattle bumpy.  Sutton and Melinda picked me up, Sutton driving his car.

Normal weekend:  coffee, shopping, working out.  Biking on Saturday curtailed due to knee issues.  did 60 minutes, HR 100, 960 calories on Sunday.

Made gin and tonics with the gin Steve from next door gave us; The Botanist.  Tasty.

Sutton drove me to work so I could take stuff from cleaning my home office and get my motorcycle.  Dinner tonight was Pujabi Instant pot chicken and brown rice.

Handmaid's Tale, episode 1.  Depressing.


Monday, April 23

At home, sick with a mild cold.  Sore throat, sneezing.  But working, lots of calls for meetings.

Took the boys to lunch at Samurai Sushi.  Sat at the bar and talked to the two brothers, Ray and Raymo (?).  The third is Ben.  Ray told about falling into being a sushi chef cuz a place 15 years ago had its chefs all quit at once, the owner got him trained, brought over an old guy from Japan.  Things were going super slow, the training normally was 10 year...just to learn how to do rice.  And the trainer fed him bad scallop to teach him a lesson about not serving bad fish to customers.  Ray said to him "You could have just told me."

Booked another trip, going to see GM in Detroit then a quick stop in Indianapolis on the way back.

Sutton made salmon and salad for dinner.  All atizzy, his first time grilling salmon.

Watched Cenk.


Wednesday, April 25

Well enough to work yesterday, motorcycled in.

Short work day yesterday.  First therapeutic massage, was great.  Robert said I should get off statins, cause weak lower back.  Also put me onto magnesium, for better hydration, absorb water.

End of day saw Gamrath.  Said I should definitely stay on statins.  XRayed right knee, shot glucose into it.

Today motorcycled in, Melinda had gone in early, so no Ladro.

Reboot of our work tank meeting, lots of negative energy in the room, people left discouraged.

Lori and I did presentation on our M365 analytics survey, went really well.  there will be lots of follow ups.

Connectored home.

Owen made steak and salad for dinner, quite good.

After a day of sobriety, enjoyed cocktail hour again.  I'm doing gin, shaken, with olives.

Americans, season 6 episode 1.


Friday, April 27

Drove Melinda's a$. 

Normal day at work.  Mcycled to the Commons to get my PIN reset on First Tech card.

Dinner at Chavez on cap hill, near Melinda's work.  with both boys.  Sutton mistakenly told them it was a birthday celebration.
